Join Us
To Join The Amateur Astronomers Association of Vadodara, visit our club schedule page and meet us during session at BalBhavan Vadodara, 10 min. before session and follow initial formality.
Basic Member
Eligible Criteria:
- Person must be 10 years of age and passed Class 4 exam in School.
- Person must be resident of Vadodara and surrounding (person outside Vadodara can join us as virtual member).
- Must have fill up Membership inquiry form during Sessions at BalBhavan.
- Person have Interest in Observation, Photography or research in Astronomy or just enhance knowledge in Astronomy, Person with Commercial or Business interest in Astronomy is not eligible and we can cancel membership of person doing any commercial Astronomy related activity.
- Member with less than 20% of Attendance for last 6month in Club activity will be removed from Events Notification List.
- Receive Email Newsletter published by AAAV periodically.
- Receive all AAAV activity notification on Whatsapp and Email.
- Introductory members kit will be provided.
Gold Members
Eligible Criteria:
- All Above Criteria as per Basic Membership.
- 80% or more attendance as Basic member in Last Calendar year in AAAV activity. and shown dedication and keen interest in Astronomy and AAAV events.
- Member with Continues 6 month Absent in AAAV activity remove from gold Membership
- Membership Badge will be issue as Gold member.
- Allow to join us 12″ Observatory at GNCS.
- Access to Club binoculars and Telescope and use them for personal research work. (Ask for detail Terms of Use)