Wednesday, March 12, 2025

About Us

The Amateur Astronomers Association of Vadodara (AAAV) working in the field of Popularizing Astronomy and Scientific Study of Astronomy in Vadodara city for 26years. Members of AAAV and Astronomy Lovers of Vadodara Meet Every Sunday throughout the year and discuss new topics of Astronomy.

Apart of our Regular meetings on Sunday we organize some special Events for Astronomical Observation for public like Sidewalks, Astronomy week, star parties and 3 week Workshop during year. We have some special Program like “Reaching to unreached”, by this program we travel to remote place and interior villages with telescope and presentation to teach astronomy, we have special program for Schools during winter months we deliver lecture to different schools followed by Night sky Observation.

Apart from Popularizing Activities we also in to Scientific study of Astronomy phenomenon like Eclipses, Occultation’s, Variable Star Observation, Meteor Observation, comet Study, Solar Study, Astro-Photography, Satellite Watch etc; and Associated with International Organization Like IMO, BBA, ALPO for Data Sharing and Reporting. Each Program has it’s own definition and Module to Make it successful and it is working effectively so far. And all our works and Program including Membership Program is FREE of cost.


What We Do

Lectures on Astronomy and Astrophysics:
AAAV regularly conducts lectures and discussion sessions every Sunday evening, between 1800 hrs to 1900 hrs IST at Bal Bhavan, Nr. Sayajibaug, Vadodara. These sessions are open to anyone who is interested. Apart from this we also conduct lectures at schools and other places on request. To join our Lectures one need to fill up membership inquiry form, Initial membership is FREE.

Public outreach programmes :  
AAAV regularly conducts public outreach programmes, particularly during rare celestial events. AAAV members have put in lots of efforts, during events such as eclipses, transits etc to enable the citizens of Vadodara to witness, and enjoy these events. We regularly organize film/slide shows, presentations and exhibitions to spread awareness on topics related to astronomy.

Side-walk astronomy:
Sidewalk astronomy, involves bring telescopes to the people rather than doing it the other way round. In sidewalk astronomy, we bring small portable telescopes to crowded places within the city, and invite people to look at some of the brighter celestial objects. This way people who might never give a thought to the stars up there, get a chance to become familiar with celestial objects.

We regularly hold workshops and short courses on basic and advanced astronomy. Apart from regular workshops on basic astronomy and observation techniques, we also conduct model making workshops, where we try to build small low cost models that can be used to explain astronomy to the layman. We also conduct telescope making workshops. AAAV also frequently conducts certificate programmes in collaboration with various international organizations such as North American Meteor Network (NAMN), National Solar Observatory – USA (NSO), reputed astronomy magazines such as Sky and Telescope etc. 

AAAV periodically brings out newsletters, with details of upcoming events, star-charts, articles on astronomy, observation tips etc.

Scientific work:
Members of AAAV regularly observe and record all major celestial events. Our members regularly collect and submit data on meteor showers, to the International Meteor Organization (IMO), and North American Meteor Network (NAMN). We also have observers who do solar observations, contributing regularly to organizations like Association for Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO), British Astronomers Association(BAA), CV-Helios etc. Other than that we go for messier marathons, track all comets that fall within the range of our equipment, observe variable stars etc.

Apart from serious scientific work, and popularization activities, our members are now working on astro-photography, attempting to capture the night sky in conjunction with landmarks and monuments in and around Vadodara.

Our Annual Fixtures

Galileo Awards for Annual Contribution by member in Observational Astronomy and Most regular Members. 5 Best observer and 5 most regular members Awarded each year: 2nd week of Feb.

Annual General Meeting of Members to report annual activity of last year and plan activity and event of current year: 2nd week Feb.

Messier Marathon: 2nd Week March ( Or near New moon day in March)

Astronomy Week: 2nd Week April ( Or near 7th/8th Phase of Moon Saturday)

Leonid Meteor Observation: 16 to 19 November

Geminids Meteor Observation: 12 to 14 December

Star Party and AAAV Day: 31st December Full night Session with Research in Astronomy Topics

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.”

– Galileo Galilei